
tiistaina, tammikuuta 22, 2008

Mietitkö onko sinussa ainesta Hönöjen edustusjoukkueeseen Jukolassa ?

(1) you show off your scratches and bruises with pride
(2) You optimize your route choices to and from the supermarket
(3) You contemplate moving to Sweden
(4) You stand around after each race comparing results
(5) You always have at least one O-map in the bathroom
(6) You orient a street map of your town to the magnetic north, even
if it means all the street names are upside down
(7) When you begin doodling in a boring class, the doodles all look
like contour lines and you feel a compulsion to add the tick mark
showing which way is down
(8) You hit the "refresh" button every 5 minutes while waiting for race splits to appear online.
(9) You consider taping the shoelaces on your dress shoes
(10) you start getting competitive about training volume on Attackpoint
(11) You think that Gu makes a perfectly acceptable meal
(12) You can recite your Sport Ident number from memory, but often have trouble remembering your phone number
(13) You break out laughing when you realize your pile of dirty clothes
looks like a dot knoll

..... tästä linkistä lisää : http://www.attackpoint.org/discussionthread.jsp/message_18630

..... aina vihonviimeiseen, joka on nro 200

200) When you have read 200 "you know your an orienteer" comments and can still relate to them and laugh

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